Physics And Engineering Experiments
Basic, advanced and challenging experiments on mechanics, thermodynamics, electricity, optics and nuclear physics and solid state physics. Click here for an overview. You get 5% discount when you buy a complete experiment.

Light And Optics
Physics Shop has a wide range of optics experiment equipment ready to go to work for you explaining the behavior and properties of light and how light interacts with matter. Optics with an optical Benche and prisms, mirrors, lasers,projectors, holograms, basic and advanced spectrometers, spectrum tubes and lamps, laser optics equipment sets, polarimeters and replacement parts.
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Equipment And Instruments
Kapur Scientific provides you with a wide range of high-quality equipment for your lab. Whether you need large essentials like freezers, ovens or an incubator, smaller tools like microscopes, refractometers, and water baths, or everyday bench items like glassware, spatulas and pH meters, you'll be sure to find the necessary science equipment here. Finding the right equipment for your chemistry lab has never been easier.

Anatomical Models
Kapur Anatomy - a new generation of anatomical models. ANATOMY is designed to close the gap between analog and digital learning.a giant step in Anatomy Education and exclusive to all original Kapur Scientific anatomical models. Virtual meets Reality - the concept of SMART ANATOMY Kapur Scientific has teamed up with Medical, the world-leader in the development of realist...
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Physics Lab Instruments
Physics lab instruments described in this website are the results of years of experience in manufacturing various optical instruments for research and industrial applications for our clients. We have made a deliberate attempt in the design of these apparatus to keep all components and modules open as far as possible. This approach helps students to gain deep understanding and in most cases provide them hands on experience in setting up the experiments.
Are you looking forward to setup an advanced well assembled physics laboratory with all the required physics lab equipment which are indeed attractive, then yes you are at the right place. Kapur Scientific Traders has got an extensive collection of physics laboratory products that will surely make your laboratory well equipped. These laboratory products are manufactured using the most state-of-art technology. These science and physics lab equipments will compel the students at your institute to perform all the experiments with ease and by themselves. Our Physics Laboratory Products are the perfect solution for understanding the various concepts of Physics smartly and practically. They also help students to develop collaborative learning skills that are vital to success in many lifelong endeavors.
About Physics
Michelson Interferometer
Model No:
E/M Magnetron Valve Method
Model No:
E/M By Thomson (Bar Magnet Method)
Model No:
E/M Helical Method Appratus
Model No:
Half Shade Polarimeter
Model No:
Malus's Law Apparatus
Model No:
Measurement of Wavelength of LASER
Model No:
Electrostatic Lab
Model No:
Dielectric Constant Apparatus
Model No:
B-H Curve Tracer (Universal)
Model No:
Ultrasonic Measurement Lab
Model No:
Hall Effect Setup
Model No:
Diffraction Grating
Model No:
Spectrometer Experiments Setup
Model No:
Newton`s Ring apparatus
Model No:
Travelling Microscope
Model No:
Millikens Oil Drop
Model No:
Melde's Appratus
Model No:
Melde's Appratus
Model No:
Linear Air Track
Model No:
Diode Laser Kit
Model No:
Sodium Vapour Lamp With Power Supply
Model No:
Inverse Square Law Using Photocell
Model No:
Fresnel's Biprism Setup
Model No:
Polarization Of Light And Verification
Model No:
E.M.F induced velocity of the magnet
Model No:
Ultrasonic Diffraction Apparatus
Model No:
Four Probe Method (Band Gap Measur)
Model No:
Nodal Slide Assembly Setup
Model No:
Ballistic Galvanometer Setup
Model No:
Stewart & Gee's Apparatus
Model No:
Constant Deviation Spectrograph
Model No:
Frequency Of AC Mains Using Sonometer
Model No:
Determination Planck's Constant
Model No:
Single Double Slit
Model No:
Newton's Ring Apparatus
Model No:
Digital Colony Counter
Model No:
Katers Reversible Pendulum
Model No:
Bar Pendulum Compound Pendulum
Model No:
Condenser Using Electrical Vibrator
Model No:
Maxwell's Wheel
Model No:
Overhead Projector
Model No:
Parallelogram Force Apparatus
Model No:
Gold Leaf Electroscope
Model No:
Young's Modulus
Model No:
Tangent Galvanometer
Model No:
More About Physics
Physics is all around us, We can find Physics as the backbone for any daily life example such as an electric light, electricity, the working of our vehicle, wristwatch, cell phone, CD player, radio, plasma TV set, computer, and - the list goes on. In order to be well versed with the technology behind these examples, laboratories are the perfect solution. Laboratory experience is an indispensable part of the educational process and a key factor in preparing students for real engineering practical life. The Laboratory provides an experimental foundation for the theoretical concepts introduced in the lectures. It is important for students to have an opportunity to verify some of the ideas for themselves. It familiarizes students with experimental apparatus, the scientific method, and methods of data analysis so that they will have some idea of the inductive process by which the ideas were originated. It also teaches how to make careful experimental observations and how to think about and draw conclusions from such data.
Kapur Scientific Traders has abundant number of Science and Physics Lab Equipment for this purpose. If you want to calculate the focal length of your convex or concave lens/mirror, we have an optical bench. If you want to understand the concept of Electrostatics or magneto-statics, we have laboratory equipment for them too. Various demonstrations such as Coulomb's law, Inverse Square law, Malu's law, Boyle's Law, verification of Stefan's law etc. all can be performed using our products. If you want to calculate the Planck's constant or the Moment of Inertia or Viscosity of a Liquid or the dielectric constant of a medium or the e/m ratio, or the Joule's constant, just scan our Product list and you would definitely get the most suitable equipment for performing your experiment.