Human Torso Male & Female, Female Pelvic With Baby, Human Leg, Human Heart Model. Human Eye, Human Ear, Digestive System, Circulatory System, Respiratory System, Excretory System Model. Human Endocrine Glands Model, Deoxyribo Nucleic Model, Human Skull With Brain Model, Thyoird & Parathyroid Glands Model, Human Mouth Model, Teeth With Lowar Jaw Model, Human Teeth Model, Human Skeleton Model All Anatomical Models.
Frog Arterial,Frog Dissection,Frog Heart,Cockroach Reproductive Male,Frog Skin,Frog Reproductive Female,Cockroach Dissection,Cockroach Circulatory,Frog Development Frog Digestive,Frog Brain,Fish Model,Frog Respiratory,Neuron,Spinal Cord With Branches,Aids,Paramecium,L.S Hydra.
Set Of Rocks, Set Of Minerals, Intenstil Villi, Dicot Leaf T.S, T.S Monocot Leaf, T.S & L.S Monocot Stem, Plant Cell Meiosis, Anatomy Dicot Stem Model. Typical Flower, Dicot Leaf, Leaf Anatomy, Plant Mitosis, Root Anatomy, L.S Of Root Tip, Monocot Leaf, T.S Dicot Root, Plant Cell Model All Botanical Models.

Beakers, Burette Clamps, Dropping Bottles, Funnels Graduated Cylinders, Jugs,Test Tube Racks, Wash Bottles, and more.lAB Plastic Warefor details.
Ac Dc Dynamo, Bi-Cycle Dynamo, Electric Motor, Water Turbine, Motor On Base, Sounder, Telegraph Set, Telephone Set, Microphone Receiver, Electric Bell, Bell In Bell Jar. View All pages.
Tuning Fork,Melde's App,Electric Vibrator,Sonometer,See Beck's Siren Disc,Resonance Tube,Boyle's Law App.
Bar And Gauge, Bar Breaking App, Pyrometer, Linear Expansion App, Ring And Ball, Compound Bar, Bar And GaugeCalorimeter, Steam Generator, Thermal Conductivity, Radiation/Convection, Gas Law Heat.


Agricultural Science, Biochemistry, Biology, Biotechnology, Botany, Chemistry, Engineering, Geology, Human Anatomy, Mathematics, Microbiology, Physics, Zoology.
Biology Deptt, Chemistry Deptt, MedicalSciences Deptt, Physics Deptt.

Mathematics Kit
Educational Cd-Rom’s on Mathematical, Black Board Instrument Boxes. Mathematical Charts, Geometrical Models & Shapes Wooden, Geo Boards. Click for details.

Capsule Filling Machine, Cllapsible Tube Filling, Cube Mixer, Duble Cone Blender, Electrical Bottle Filling Machine, Polishing Pan, Powder Mass Mixer, Semi Automatic Filling Machine, Tablet Coating Pan, Tablet Machine, Tinture Press, Tube Crimping Sealing Machine, Vacuum Pump, and more.lAB Pharmacy Equipments for details.
B.Sc Electronics Instruments
Bread Board Trainer Kit |
Digital Multimeter Trainer |
Digital Storage Oscilloscope |
Function Generator |
Hartley Oscillator |
Ionization Potential of Mercury |
KVL/ KCl Trainer |
LCR Resonace CKT |
Load Cell Trainer |
Network Theorems |
Op Amp As Series Regulator |
Opamp Trainer Kit |
PCB Etching Machine |
Planck's Constant Apparatus |
Power Supply for Thompson method |
Stepper Motor Controller |
Thermocouple Trainer Kit |
TV Trainer Kit |
UPS Trainer Kit |
Voltage Control Oscillator |
Electrical Lab Instruments
3 Phase Variac Transformer |
Anderson Bridge |
Auto Transformer Variac |
Calnder and Grifith Bridge |
Crompton Potentiometer |
DC Shunt Machines |
Dial Type Resistance Box |
Digital Micrometer |
Galvanometers |
Hay's Bridge |
High Voltage Test Set |
Induction Motor |
Kelvin Double Bridge |
Maxwell Bridge |
Maxwell Inductance Bridge |
Mega Ohm Meter BTC |
Million Meg Ohm Meter |
Portable Wheatstone Bridge |
Three Phase Transformer Lab |
Universal Motor |
Weins Frequency Bridge |
Physics Lab Instruments